Where do I claim credit for Diabetes Canada’s “22 Minute Take Away”?

Certified Diabetes Educators may claim credit for Diabetes Canada’s 22 Minute Take Away in the Credit Portfolio Program under 2C: Web Based Learning events. CDECB recognizes some of the 22 Minute Take Away may not be an entire 30 minutes in length however the CDE may claim credit provided each presentation, fulfills the listed criteria/requirements (intended for health care professionals; provides you, the CDE,  with new learning; has direct relevance to diabetes education; and is related to one or more of the CDECB’s competencies) the CDECB will recognize Diabetes Canada’s 22-Minute Take Away as 30 minutes in length.  The CDE must complete all of the required information as set out in the Credit Portfolio Handbook to claim credit under section 2C: Web Based Learning Events.  This exception does not apply to any other web based learning event.

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