
Frequently Asked Questions

Does the time I spend taking a course contribute towards the 800 hours of education experience?

I spend a lot of time with people with diabetes. Therefore, does that time contribute towards the 800 hours of experience?

I have an immediate family member on a pump, diagnosed at 5 years of age, that would help me accumulate my time, wouldn’t it not?

In regards to the 800 hour requirement needed to write the exam, does my nursing practice over the years working in the community and now in the hospital count?

I live in a country other than Canada and I do not hold a Canadian licence to practice as a Canadian health care professional. May I use the experience that I have obtained while working within the licence of another country towards the 800 hours now that I have a Canadian licence.

I live in a country other than Canada and I hold a Canadian licence to practice as a Canadian health care professional. Does the experience that I gained while working within that country utilizing my Canadian licence and my foreign licence contribute towards the 800 hours necessary.

I just graduated and I am an intern may I use the experience I have accumulated while an intern?

I provide diabetes education to health care professionals do I qualify to write the exam or do I have to provide diabetes education to people with diabetes?

I provide diabetes education to those that are at risk of diabetes, does that contribute towards the 800 hours?

I am a community pharmacist, how do I track my diabetes education experience?


Volunteers are an important part of the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board. Their knowledge about Diabetes has enabled the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board to be what it is. 

Registration for the 2025 CDECB Exam and submission of Credit Portfolio is open. 

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